Terry, aged 25, diagnosed with Cancer

Terry was quite a character. When he was 15 he had glandular fever, and now aged 25 he was recovering from an overdose, taken after splitting with his long term girlfriend. Whilst in hospital they did scans and found the tumours but he went home:

“I ignored it until I ended back in hospital with a lump on my appendix and part of my bowel which they removed”.

“I’m tired, dizzy, sick, and I get pains in my stomach – normally an aching sickness pain but if I stand up it feels like something’s being stretched and twisted. It’s constantly there but it seems to come and go in pulses. The pain is noticeably worse when I get stressed – I mostly get stressed about money, arguments with my family and my x girlfriend”.

I asked Terry what the worst thing about this was,

“I can’t drive without my stomach hurting and it keeps me awake at night. I knew something wasn’t right for a long time. I didn’t want to do anything about it because it means I’ll miss so much with my son, it’s been such a bad year for me anyway, I was so depressed it didn’t make much difference to top it off – I just got on with it. Then I had the treatment, it’s made me worse and worse and I just thought, you know what – sod it! I’ll take my chances. I’d rather have some time with my lad and, if I go back into hospital my X won’t bring him to see me”.

“The most important thing to me now is getting back to work and earning money to have fun with him for however long I have left”.

“I want to be a millionaire but it’s not going to happen. If it wasn’t for my boy I’d jump off the nearest cliff because I’ve had enough. He keeps me going. I have learned to keep myself to myself, do what I’ve got to do and involve the fewest people as possible. People have all screwed me over in one way or another. Mum and dad try to help me but they weren’t there when I really needed them, I know if it had been my boy I’d have been there for him”.

“I’ve got to do what’s right for me. I’m under pressure from mum and dad to have more treatment, but that sort of pressure doesn’t help me. I’ve stopped all conventional treatment, looked at all the reviews on it, and it’s not good, I’ve looked at self help stuff – most of its very expensive so I’m trying homeopathy to shut them up”.

Choosing the remedies for Terry was easy; I chose a remedy to treat the cancer and a remedy to treat him, which is also a very good cancer remedy. Aurum-metallicum suited him so well it was as though he was quoting out of homeopathic books about it. I saw the suicidal depression, the high expectations of himself and others as well as the cancer. He was very intelligent, chilly and even said he’d like to jump off the nearest cliff if it wasn’t for his young son – a very Aurum like feeling.

Terry never came back to see me. He moved about 4 weeks after our consultation and phoned me for more remedies.

“Strangely they seem to be doing something” he admitted, “I’ve moved to be nearer to my son and got a new job. The pain is much less and I have a lot more energy.”

He kept in touch occasionally over the next 2 years by email or phone to ask for more remedies, all seems to be going well with him, although he doesn’t talk about himself much just his work and his son!

Homeopathy can help with many problems.  Give me a call or send me a text on 07725 520476 or book a 15 minute free consultation to see how it can help you.