Meet Sharon. She came to me just over a month ago, before this whole global situation kicked off. She was suffering from stress and anxiety and came looking for some relief. What is interesting is that now the world looks a whole lot scarier, yet she’s fine. First, some of the things she said at her initial consult:
I’m on overload!
I’m scared of the future, what might happen, scared when I go to bed at night, scared when I wake up in the morning.
I feel like I’m living on my nerves.
I’m starting to have panic attacks and some days I could cry all day.
I can’t sit still, I have to be on the go all the time, it makes me miserable.
I feel frantic all the time, so scared I’m going to create my own health problems.
Now, Sharon had reasons to feel stressed, she had some difficult situations going on in her life and she shared those with me. I was able to prescribe her a remedy and a few days ago we had her follow up consultation (this time remotely).
I feel like my old self, able to cope with things and able to see the positive in everything
There’s this sense of calmness about me since I took the remedy, and as the world is going through this I feel a sense of oneness with everyone, it will all work out.
I don’t have days where I want to cry all day – thank goodness for that and I’ve had no more panic attacks since my visit to you.
What a wonderful change homeopathy can bring about – and how needed it is in today’s world. If you suffer from anxiety, or any other health problem, consider homeopathy. Get in touch and we can discuss how homeopathy can help you.