I saw the loveliest little girl a couple of months ago, and her mum told me I should write her story – so here it is!
Amy is 9 and was brought by her mum suffering from terrible migraines. They mostly happened at night, so the family had discounted eye problems. Amy had been having them at least a couple of times a week for over six months now, where she woke up with a headache and soon after started vomiting for over an hour at a time. The family had tried many things to try and help her, including changing her bed time routine, no TV or devices in the evenings, cutting out various foods, they had her eyes checked in desperation, and taken medication from a doctor. Nothing changed it, ever, so they came to me.
I asked what was happening in their life around 6 months ago, or a while before that and they said that she started a new school then but that she was very happy there so they didn’t think it was anything to do with that.
Amy was delightful, she liked school, loved her teachers, and loved break time the best (“I get to chat to my friends” she told me). She also loved her family, was close to her sisters and loved their dogs. Amy seemed to be having the perfect childhood!
I asked Amy what she didn’t like about school.
“Breaking up with people, having fights, it makes me very sad, I feel heartbroken”
I asked her to tell me about these fights.
She then told me all about her friends and how kind they were, especially her best friend who told Amy she couldn’t wait for Amy to get to school every morning.
I noticed that Amy tried to ignore the negative thing about breaking up with her friends or her sister and went straight back to the good part of her friendships. So, I rephrased the question, what is the worst thing about breaking up with people?
Amy squirmed a bit,
“I’m just so sad, and so afraid that by accident I’ll say something that would hurt them. When they say mean things to me I always think they don’t want to be my friend anymore.”
Amy then explained that she liked to have 2 or 3 friends,
“Because if I have too many everyone wants to play with me – there are too many to play with, and I worry about who gets left out”.
She clearly is very sensitive about this – I think I’d want 2 or 3 friends so that if one wasn’t there, or one broke up with me I’d have someone else to play with, but this wasn’t Amy’s reasoning at all.
We talked a bit more, the only food Amy avoided was milk because it made her mucousy, and her only fear was the dark – in case anyone broke into the house and hurt her family. The saddest thing that could ever happen to you she said is to be left alone.
Finally, I asked Amy to pretend I could grant wishes and to let me know what her top 3 wishes would be:
“To be with my friends every day”
“That it would be Christmas every day”
“That I would be ordinary and the doctor could make me better”
I gave Amy a remedy called Lac-defloratum in a good strong dose.
Two months later her mum booked herself in, delighted with how homeopathy had helped her daughter and hoping for the same for herself.
“Amy is totally better”
She told me,
“She’s never had another migraine or sickness since taking the remedy. Also, she’s not so fixated on having a special friend anymore, she’s happy to play with lots of children”
If you would like to see how homeopathy can help you, get in touch: