A 16 year old girl I’ll call Alex came to see me last year,
“I’m depressed all the time; it’s just easier to smile than explain what I feel like.”
A 16 year old girl I’ll call Alex came to see me last year,
“I’m depressed all the time; it’s just easier to smile than explain what I feel like.”
Over 2 years ago a 12 year old young man I’ll call Mark, was brought to see me suffering with anxiety, and anger issues, in fact he’d just dislocated his mother’s finger and kicked her in the stomach which was the trigger for her to bring him. Read More
Depression is one of the most debilitating, yet one of the most misunderstood problems around. Is it a disease? Is it a chemical imbalance? Is it a brain dysfunction? Why do so many people suffer from it now when it wasn’t as common years ago and what causes it? There are many more questions – but not very many satisfactory answers! Read More
What do you do when you want to help but whatever you try only seems to make things worse? Loving someone who’s depressed can feel like the most frustrating experience. Read More
Last year Lucy came to see me suffering mainly with depression, anxiety and chronic fatigue.
She told me that she’d been depressed since being a teenager but it was finally diagnosed when she had a baby and had bad post natal depression over 10 years ago. Medications helped a bit but she became more anxious and started suffering with panic attacks. Read More
Many of us experience anxiety and stress as part of our busy lives, and teenagers are no exception. To add to their problems of school pressures, changing hormones, and growing up, they have to deal with a significant amount of peer pressure, or even bullying, and this can be overwhelming. Read More
Julie came to see me over a year ago. She was suffering from anxiety and paranoia.
“I hear voices, sometimes in the distance and sometimes inside my head. They’re derogatory, always criticising me, not often telling me to do anything, once or twice they’ve told me to take my life. They say things like you’re ugly, you’re stupid or you’re fat – they put me down all the time, point out my weaknesses”.
People visit me with almost every ailment possible – but one thing comes up again and again, and that is insomnia. It’s rarely the problem people come to see me with but it’s often there, accepted, tolerated and coped with. Read More
Elise asked me to visit her at her home because she was anxious and depressed. She was now past menopausal age and told me that she’d first felt like this when her children were very young. Her husband was ill and out of work at the time and she was struggling with young children. Read More
Let me introduce you to Katie who came to me with depression. Many years ago she had overdosed and self harmed, said she had had a life of ups and downs and was now getting over severe post natal depression. She described herself as ‘just existing’ and admitted that she felt completely worthless and inadequate. I asked her how she’d like to feel and this was her reply, Read More