Arnica is made from a little flower in the daisy family. This is the remedy that most people discover, sometimes only as an ointment but it’s also wonderful taken as a remedy if you have had an injury, or in fact have any pain where you just feel bruised. It is our number one trauma remedy, but it is also so much more. Read More
Homeopathy Vs Mainstream Medicine
Mainstream (or allopathic) medicine is amazing and one benefit with homeopathy is that it can work alongside it. I’ve treated people having chemotherapy, helped them as they were weaned off Heroin and worked alongside many other medications. However, I think most of us would agree that we’d rather live without needing medication from our doctors so here’s a few reasons to consider homeopathy instead:
Resist every virus – Improve your health – start today!
There are so many ways we could improve our health – giving up or cutting down on sugar (ouch!), drinking more water, doing more exercise (also ouch if you’re a couch potato like me!). Cutting out processed food and including as much organic food in our diets comes pretty high in my list, as well as really trying to cut out the toxic overload we live with nowadays. Read More
How To Use Homeopathy Instead of Pain Killers
Pain – any sort of pain really can make life miserable. Homeopaths treat pain in a completely different way to conventional doctors who, depending on the severity of the pain might suggest Paracetamol, or if it’s worse, Codeine, or even Morphine (and likely many other choices in between, I’m no mainstream medicine pain expert I’m grateful to admit.) Read More
“It feels as though something lovely has happened”
Arthritis – is there hope?
Arthritis is a general term that describes inflammation in joints. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis but two of the most common types are: Read More